Here’s some history on me!

As you all know I got involved with the craft at a young age of 9 years old. I didn’t have any pictures to share of me at that time, or of what I was telling you. But I pulled out my old BOS from when I was 12-13 years old, and found some stuff I’m going share with you! It’s a drawing of my cat Blackee, and a picture of him as well! Then I’m gonna share the first Daleth page I made in it. Also I will translate it into English and do a post for just that one.

I found pictures of my other black kitty Munee… she’s passed into summerland now with Blackee. I know they’re best friends there, and I know I will see Blackee, Munee, and my Sarah-Lee there one day! 🙏🏽 at least they are safe and happy!

So without further ado!

Love and light everyone! Namaste!

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